Energy Tune UP February 2019 – Radically You

Energy Tune UP February 2019 – Radically You

….Relax and release! Like a high-pressure valve that opens and everything that has accumulated in this intense January may flow (off), get back into a different flow.

Although it may be like a raging water where you still can bump here and there, yet it’s a diverse energy and feeling than in the past weeks, where everything seemed to falter and the air was already quite thick for many, the breathing literally hard.

The pressure on our organisms is enormous at times in these days, especially for sensitives and empaths – maybe you felt like driving constantly over speed recently, unable to find rest within. And now there comes this bam. Like breaking the rocks in an underground mine, better a gold mine to get to what lies hidden underneath – or rather, in it, always there, ready to take it now and go for it!

As a river and water really makes its way through. There is nothing that can stop it, in any direction. You are (in) your irresistible life stream, even if you have tried to keep things away because of fear or perhaps were holding yourself back so far – that is hardly possible anymore and one of the big overarching topics this year. Be the one that you came here to be; step in with your true being! That means – jump into the water and swim with life, as life. This does not mean "to swim" and not to be aligned, but rather to be in the flow and to go along with all the things that arise, to look at them and accept them, and then continue to flow, from one moment to the next, from one experience to the other. ..Entspannen, Druck loslassen! Wie ein Hochdruckventil, das sich öffnet und alles, was sich angestaut hat in diesem intensiven Januar darf (ab)fließen und kommt wieder in einen anderen Fluss.

Auch wenn es sein kann wie bei einem reißenden Gewässer, dass Du hier und da mal anstoßen kannst, so ist es dennoch ein anderes Gefühl als in den vergangenen Wochen, wo alles eher zu stocken schien und die Luft schon ganz dick wurde für viele, die Atmung buchstäblich schwer.

Der Druck auf unsere Organismen ist teilweise enorm in diesen Tagen, besonders wenn Du hochsensibel und sehr emphatisch bist – es mag Dir so vorgekommen sein wie ständig übertourig zu fahren, kaum in der Lage, innere Ruhe zu finden. Und jetzt macht es bääm. Wie wenn man in einem Untertagebau oder besser in einer Goldmine die Steine wegsprengt, um dahin zu kommen, was darunter verborgen liegt – oder vielmehr darin, immer schon da, bereit es jetzt zu nehmen und dafür zu gehen!

So wie sich auch der Fluss und das Wasser wirklich ihren Weg bahnen. Es gibt nichts, was es aufhalten kann, egal in welche Richtung. Du bist (in) Dein(em) unaufhaltsamen Lebensstrom, auch wenn Du versucht hast, Dinge aus Angst wegzuhalten, Dich vielleicht zurückzuhalten bis jetzt – das wird jetzt kaum noch möglich sein und ist eines der großen übergeordneten Themen in diesem Jahr. Sei die oder der, die oder der Du gekommen bist zu sein; trete an mit Deinem wahrhaften Sein! Das heißt – rein ins Wasser und mit dem Leben, als das Leben schwimmen. Jetzt! Es bedeutet nicht „zu schwimmen“ und nicht ausgerichtet zu sein, sondern vielmehr im Fluss zu sein und mitzugehen mit allem, was auftaucht, es anzuschauen, anzunehmen und dann auch weiter zu fließen, von einem Moment zum nächsten, von einer Erfahrung zur anderen. ….

Curator | Art Scientist | Intuitive Coach | Author



Trust means to surrender in a moment of total unknown.

Again and again.

In the moment you break through the veil, you enter a spaciousness, an ever-widening spaciousness. 

Resting in that spaciousness is the peace and quietness you long for. There all the safety can be found.

Money comes, money goes. Form comes, form goes – out of emptiness and back into it. 

We can observe it every day. 

And yet we believe that we can hold on to it – hold on to that which changes. This is not possible. No safety can ever be found there. This is what we know intuitively. And exactly because a part deep inside of us knows this truth by heart, the fear pattern of the mind plays out drastically in these days.

The fear we feel as human kind is tied to our believe system which is routed in the idea of the safety of the world.

Curator | Art Scientist | Intuitive Coach | Author

Love is The Word

Love is The Word

I had an experience this last weekend that I would like and feels important for me to share with you!

I was at home in my little studio apartment in Brooklyn, it was around 8 pm on a Saturday evening, still daylight, my windows were wide open as a first cool breeze entered the room after a really hot and humid day here in New York. I became aware of a yelling male voice outside. It would not stop. It even got louder and more aggressive and so did the weeping of a woman. It went on and on and on, with not much variation in his wording which alternated between fucking and bitch or a combination of the two and the energy down there on the street got worse.

At a certain moment, I as was sitting at my desk writing, I jumped straight up from my chair with the direct calling to go down there. As I just got home after a long day and wasn’t supposed to go out anywhere, I was already in my homey dress with some old, striped men shorts and an even older loose t-shirt that I’m dragging with me now for probably the last ten years until it will completely fall apart. I just slipped into my flipflops and grabbed the key. Outside of my apartment door there was this short instant, where the voice in my mind was saying “Are you sure you are doing the right thing, Tina?” – but in the same moment my hand was already turning the key in the lock. So, no question!

Curator | Art Scientist | Intuitive Coach | Author

Manifestation – A New Experience of Being

Manifestation – A New Experience of Being

It's like a piece of art. If you start with it, you have for a long time no sense of what will become or what will emerge, whether text, image or song. You may work on individual parts, such as with a sculpture, more on the nose, on the eyes or on the fingers. Maybe at some point you will know that it will become a human figure. But what does it look like – a man, a woman, in motion, static, with eyes closed or open? – You don’t know all that yet. Only the process of creation can reveal that, every new moment.

With the striking new moon and the partial eclipse at the middle of the month, on Friday 13 July, a phase of the second half of the year is ushered in, in which you will get a feeling for, more and more sensing, what YOUR sculpture of life is – by the concrete manifestation and reflection in the outside.

And not just in the form of a vision, but through the actual shaping and merging of the individual parts! This has not been easy on the way so far and has certainly made you despair in some dark nights of the soul, precisely because there was no direct reflection on the outside; supposedly no sense. There was and is "only" this inner knowledge without being able to explain it to yourself at times. And you have followed again and again, where it has carried you from within, without knowing what the big picture finally adds up to.

Curator | Art Scientist | Intuitive Coach | Author

Go sit with a tree

Go sit with a tree

When you are sad, despair, uncertain in your life, go sit with a tree. The tree has no idea, opinion, judgement about why you are crying. He just stands there in all he is and ever can be, in presence and at the same time with all his scares, years of growth and majestic crowns. He is strong and vulnerable at the same time, bare and rich in green, buckled and straight – so many facets in yet one and the same being. He doesn't question it. Why would he? What more can he be than he already is?

I feel fortunate to live in Brooklyn just a ten-minute walk from Prospect Park by foot and I go there every morning in the earliest hours just when the day starts to unfold. 

I consider it a huge gift to be so close to nature in a city where you see people jogging aside a six-lane highway. They are used to it. They simple don't question it anymore. And, above all, they feel they don't have a choice. Observing this disconnection and separation from nature as our very source, mother, sustainer and union of all life – our remembrance, indeed, of our deepest essence – is in some moments science fiction like for me here. 

Curator | Art Scientist | Intuitive Coach | Author