Who has not asked oneself this question at some point in life? And if there are answers like I am this, I am that or I am the other – who is saying this? What would happen or remain if the last part – the this, that and the other – were simply dropped? It’s the empty, unknown, mysterious, intangible: I AM.
As a person, I’m an award winning scientist, curator and writer as well as a modern mystic. I’ve worked over a decade in the high-end institutional art world, before stepping into the private sector of art advisory and collection management. At the same time, I very much dedicated my life to an inward journey to explore the invisible, divine nature of our being.
Today I can say – and this is not a knowledge that comes from books or any rational understanding but rather from experience and that’s only ever what I can sincerely refer to: Yes, in this form, I’m all of the above and, in its source, I’m infinite, limitless, nothingness. The very essence which unites us all as one and is set in the soul of men.
When I look at my own life, the people who have inspired me most and enriched my life beyond imagination are the ones who have not taken the well-trodden paths in life even though it meant many times a more bumpier road. They are the ones who have followed their hearts and inner voice even though it meant to be vulnerable. And they are the ones who have, as well, always been drawn to an aesthetics and beauty that reveals the subtle, yet all pervading, undeniable presence of something greater.
For a long time, it seemed to be the story of my life, being split between worlds and feeling like I had to hide a part of myself wherever I went. For the spiritual people I was “too” scientific and for the scientists and distinguished art people, I was “too” esoteric, whatever that may be. However, in reality, we are all multidimensional beings who so often squeeze ourselves into boxes to keep up with ideas that believe in some kind of linear ascent and higher, faster, further. Our world right now is a mirror of this social conditioning and development.
And truly because of this, and to break through this separation of our categorized thinking, I have decided to bring together all that I am and have to offer – with a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings and an aspiration that implies a striving after something higher than oneself. Yes, it makes me vulnerable because I show myself naked, whole, in fact. But I have also come to the realization that it’s exactly this vulnerability that is our most accurate measurement of boldness.
The new way of being, the new art of seeing is BOLD.
I hope you enjoy exploring while travelling through these pages and I encourage you to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom.
“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant.
We have created a society that honors the servant
and has forgotten the gift.”