⚜️ You feel what other people often can't even see
⚜️ Your soul is as deep as the sea
⚜️ You see beauty in the most unimposing things
⚜️ You have so much love in you
⚜️ You are so tender and at the same time your strength can move mountains
⚜️ You touch people, whether you write, sing, paint, play the piano or speak to the camera
⚜️ You are a reminder of what is greater than us humans and has no name or many – God, soul, light, infinity, silence, love, joy, bliss – simply through your presence
⚜️ In your presence, people feel safe and can open up. They show themselves as they are – pure, true, beautiful
⚜️ You love everything beautiful – music, art, poetry, a fine fabric, special furniture, your flower garden
⚜️ Animals and plants are very close to you, you can feel them
⚜️ You have a wonderful, catching sense of humor, like to laugh and flood people with your laughter
Yes, that's YOU! Please feel that for a moment.
Already as a child, you might have had a feeling that you have no place in the world with your "just being". As many rules, prohibitions and judgements as what has to be and how.
And you have closed yourself, more and more closed for yourself, your core and your love for you.
You didn't even notice.
Then, at some point, you woke up – life showed you the way back to you through a loss, an illness or some other incisive experience.
Today, you worked a lot on yourself and traveled deep inside.
You know you are the creator of your reality.
You know that life is a great dance on the threshold of surrender and self-empowerment.
And yet there are still questions, like a little blind spot, the missing link:
How can I implement it? Very practical, in life.
What is my real seat and how do I take it? – Without struggle, without the old principle of achievement, fighting and control. With ease, lust and joy.
How can I really become self-effective, lead myself, trust myself, go for myself?
I see many, especially very empathic and sensitive people vacillating again and again at this point, in order to then often withdraw again, although the soul actually wants something different. And that hurts. This creates great suffering and sadness.
Do you know that from your life?
If I can say one thing about the current time quality, it is that: The sensitive soul is the GOLD of the New Age. YOU ARE IMPORTANT with exactly your “just being”. Your value is infinite and I mean infinite and now it's time to take your seat.
SENSITIVE LEADERSHIP was born in this year of world crisis, in 2020, when I traveled deep into my own inner core again.
I’ll walk with you for ten weeks in your own leadership, in your radiance; into what you already are and always have been. And yes, you can be absolutely successful, visible and receive a lot of money.
Free. Inside and outside.
Sensitive is the new gold.
It's about feeling, your own feeling. Nothing outside. You are your own mastery and I am at your side with love with every step and with 18 years of experience on the way to the "golden mastery".
I see you. Deeply.
We go all the way.
It's BIG.
It's BOLD.
You are Sensitive Leadership.
And not only the world needs you. You need yourself. Here. Now. In your full greatness as a woman, as a man, as an artist. Small is not your truth. You are infinitely great. Go for your dreams and if not for your own, then do it for your children, the children of this world or the inner child within you. They need new role models.
The prerequisite: your 100% decision to go for yourself now.
And then you have everything you need to open a space for others yourself if you want to and have been wondering how you can bring all your knowledge together.
The space is open to women and men, because there is nothing more inspiring for me than when everyone can see themselves pure again and their true, awakened beauty.
For me that is the NEW WORLD.
We make the wonder visible.
The wonder that you are.
For detailed information about the program and application, please contact me directly : mail@tinaguthknecht.com