Letter to you, my friend

Letter to you, my friend

If you have been the only reason for me to come here then that would be one of the most precious gifts I could imagine. Listening to your life story keeps me sitting quiet for hours, deeply touched and in tears of so much courage, so much simple wisdom and so much dedication to follow your heart and inner guidance without any outside confirmation ever. 

Much is said about the jump into the unknown which the mind so easily sabotages. Jumping into the unknown doesn't mean to pack your suitcase weeks in advance, to think it all over a million times if it's right or not or safe or if you really have everything together. 

TRUST means to surrender in a moment of total unknown.

Curator | Art Scientist | Intuitive Coach | Author

Energy Tune UP May 2017 – Light and Shadow

Energy Tune UP May 2017 – Light and Shadow

For many, the last few weeks have been an extreme ride. Even for those who have been on the inner road for a long time, it may sometimes have felt as if everything had come to a standstill and as if you were somewhere where you started years ago.

What is currently happening through extensive collective changes of consciousness and high energy frequencies (Energy Tune UP March) is the closest to the image of a torrential river in which the moving water also carries along the stones and the rubble that are at the deepest bottom of the soil and rinses it to the surface.

The masks fall! Hallelujah!

It's about shadow work. On the one hand, we know that different things are our family and social heritage, meaning they are stored in our DNA, in our energy body, in our psyche, and in our soul in a way. These very deep, hidden parts of consciousness, which often run like on autopilot in us, show up at this time as never before.

Curator | Art Scientist | Intuitive Coach | Author

Energy Tune UP April 2017 – Chaos and Manifestation

Energy Tune UP April 2017 – Chaos and Manifestation

This is a special time to grow into your widened Self – and beyond. How is this happening for us here on earth? – Through Manifestation! A contradiction? Not at all!

In the first place, an ingrowth in these weeks means more and more – with practice and trust – to see through and transcend the gaming of the mind. Meaning to develop a sense for when a feeling is constantly reproduced, because it’s created through the thoughts and is constantly being renewed by the story about it, the fears about the future or the supposed misery which is connected with it in the past. Or whether it’s really about the feeling of quite primary emotions in the present moment. When someone hurts you, there is a pain. To feel this pain, to allow it to be there until it’s fully embraced, which usually doesn’t take more than a few minutes, is extremely important. It becomes painful when the thought-spiral in the mind sets in with self-created trances, e.g. "I won’t make it," "I can’t do it", "how often has this already happened to me" or "what could I have done differently", etc.

Unfortunately, we are conditioned by society and often also by family in a way that those feelings which are said to be negative such as anger, anxiety, grief, pain (in other words to be weak) shouldn’t be there at all – that “doesn’t meet the picture”, which you may have about yourself or which you have learned to fulfill – and this is why we tend to avoid them. However, this resistance only leads to the fact that they can’t dissolve properly. It’s basically the opposite of what the resistance should supposedly effect – what we “don’t want to have", thus doesn’t disappear, but is only getting bigger and blocking by the continuous energy with which it is subconsciously supplied! If resistance is there, it’s in a first step to feel this resistance, and only then to be able to reach and perceive the actual, underlying feeling.

Curator | Art Scientist | Intuitive Coach | Author

Old Belief Structures and Higher Energies

Old Belief Structures and Higher Energies

In order to understand what is happening in these times (in particular and in an overall sense), we have to take a closer look at the current energies and the influencing factors with which we are dealing.

We are at a turn of eras when the basic energy frequency is increased by a multiple.

These changes in the frequencies have been scientifically proven, meaning that these phenomena – even if they were to be denied – can no longer be dismissed as esoteric. They have been studied for many decades, strictly speaking, since the 1950s of the last century, at first by the German physicist Winfried Otto Schumann, and are named after him as Schumann Resonance.

What does the Schumann Resonance measure?

The Schumann Resonance measures the electromagnetic base frequency on earth. Since the beginning of its measurement it has been almost continuously at a value of 7.83 Hz.

Why is it of such a relevance for the human being?

This frequency is what our brainwaves align to within the normal waking state of our consciousness.

Within the past two years, it has been pacing up and down between 10 and 15 Hz, on January 31 of this year it even has reached a provisional peak of 36 Hz.

Perhaps you already guess to what all this amounts to... ..
Um zu verstehen, was derzeit los ist (im Einzelnen und in einem umfassenderen Sinne), müssen wir die gegenwärtig herrschenden Energien und die beeinflussenden Faktoren, mit denen wir zu tun haben, einmal genauer anschauen.

Wir befinden uns in einer Zeitenwende, in der grundsätzlich die Energiefrequenz um ein Vielfaches angehoben ist.

Diese Veränderungen der Frequenzen sind wissenschaftlich nachgewiesen, d.h. diese Phänomene – selbst wenn man sich ihnen noch so verweigern möchte – lassen sich nicht mehr abtun als esoterisch. Sie werden seit vielen Jahrzehnten, genau genommen seit den 1950er Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts, als erstes von dem deutschen Physiker Winfried Otto Schuhmann, untersucht, und sind nach ihm als Schumann-Resonanz benannt.

Was misst die Schumann-Resonanz?

Die Schumann Resonanz misst die elektromagnetische Basisfrequenz auf der Erde. Sie lag seit dem Beginn ihrer Messung fast durchgehend bei einem Wert von 7,83 Hz.

Warum hat sie für den Menschen eine solche Relevanz?

Diese Frequenz ist, an was sich unsere Gehirnwellen im normalen Wachzustand unseres Bewusstseins ausrichten.

Innerhalb der vergangenen zwei Jahre ging sie nun im flotten Wechsel auf und ab und erreichte zwischen 10 und 15 Hz, am 31. Januar dieses Jahres sogar einen vorläufigen Höhepunkt von 36 Hz.

Ihr ahnt vielleicht schon, auf was das hinausläuft... ….

Curator | Art Scientist | Intuitive Coach | Author

Energy Tune UP February 2017 – Integration and Opening

Energy Tune UP February 2017 – Integration and Opening

Nothing is more important at this time than an ever deeper, inner focus, around which it can dance in the outside and also does. And how it does!

The big challenge is to follow the sometimes very intense movements with your clear alignment, so that you don’t close yourself off from them, and so to speak, not to let you pull away by old fears, which are currently increasingly pressing upward in the human being.

Around the middle of the month, more or less in the second, third week of February, it’s energetically very dense, but afterwards it goes into a clearly noticeable opening. Like the camel that passes through the eye of the needle, it can feel partially. This integration phase requires and allows at the same time a more comprehensive presence, in truly every moment.

Curator | Art Scientist | Intuitive Coach | Author