Wow! What a month August was! So many things came up, happened and wanted to be experienced.
It’s not without reason that letting go, and with it the focus on exhalation, is an essential theme this month.
It is only when we consciously exhale that it often becomes clear what we were actually holding onto. This is so important to feel and to develop an awareness for.
We can do it in this instant: Close your eyes for a moment, inhale through your nose and then exhale with open lips, jaw loose and an audible sound or sigh while you letting all the tension flow out with it. Allow your whole body to relax and loosen your shoulders. And if you like, you can repeat it about three times in succession and again, several times a day when you are feeling any kind of pressure in you.
Curator | Art Scientist | Intuitive Coach | Author
What is happening in these days may feel like an operation on the open brain. Yes, and this is exactly what it’s about!
Pretty immediate and direct our old programming, unconscious thoughts, believe sets, perspectives on our lives are currently presented to us, brought to light in the best sense. Already the second half of July has – one could say kind of “sound the bell" for this movement. The intensity and speed with which we are confronted with these things – in us and through the mirror of the external – will further potentiate in August.
It’s an intense phase of healing of our unconscious.
Many of you might possibly think now "please no more. I really can’t sustain much more presently", but compared to the first half-year, the energy has in a way rotated, changed. By this is meant that the perceived and to a certain extend also manifested retrograde of the first months – which may has caused in some a debilitating severity and a kind of hopelessness and despair – evaporates more and more out of the process. Why? Because with the consciousness raising, loosening and dissolution of our own self-sabotaging beliefs and mechanisms an incredible (noticeable!) freedom is connected, a lightness – your whole system can finally breathe again! (And if, at first, these might only be short instants. Let them touch you!) It’s like tomatoes would be taken from the eyes at moments. And suddenly you see. You truly see!
Curator | Art Scientist | Intuitive Coach | Author
The themes of visibility and vulnerability go very much hand in hand with self-esteem and self-love.
Was it indeed a year in which, so far, a lot of introspection, inner processes and reexamination of old issues were predominating, it’s now, in July, coming to a first small energetic turn – comparable as if you are dribbling forward in a ball game. It’s our clear and distinct presence in the external that sets the important impulses in the coming weeks, without being hard and firm.
This month is an invitation to expand while “walking”. And yet no master has fallen from the sky and every new challenge is always unknown and therefore possibly or most likely also scary. However, it’s often the greatness of the task that scares. Just always take the next step, put one foot in front of the other. This is what you can do, no doubt. When you enter into the direct experience, then all the pictures and ideas “how terrible all is going to be” can transform through the process of walking into inner strength, power and joy.
Curator | Art Scientist | Intuitive Coach | Author
What does transformation actually mean?
I frequently make the experience in my work with people that they change many things in their outer life, but that the inner often hasn’t followed yet to swing in true harmony with the external. Separation, farewell, move, relocation – all this can be implemented and still, it doesn’t mean that it has already arrived on a soul level.
This month is an invitation to spend much time with yourself!
It’s about really integrating the inner and I would like to glance at that – also in view of the striking astrological constellations in these and the past weeks of these I hear so many people say “oh my god, it’s all retrograde”! What positive can we gain from that? It’s worth to take a closer look – mainly to feel!
Curator | Art Scientist | Intuitive Coach | Author
The clarity that wants to be discovered and unfold in this month has much to do with clear communication.
In these days more than ever it’s about being in your truth and expressing it! To say what you want, what doesn’t work for you – mainly, without any timidity or shame, showing yourself to the world with all your gifts as well as with all your needs. And this has nothing to do with egoism as we have commonly internalized through our education.
Also the way how we communicate is crucial!
It’s a big difference if we are focusing on the other such as “you have done this and that”, “but you have said” or even draw comparisons and so trying to invigorate our own position by concentrating on the outside. Or if we are giving ourselves the space (value!) by speaking out what is true to us. Yes, thereby you show yourself vulnerable – a vulnerability that can cause fear. Whenever we open ourselves up, we risk to be rejected. Yet, if you are allowing fear to take control over you, then you are immediately again with the other, in the external. Let the fear be there – anything else makes it only bigger, but not necessarily on the driver’s or co-driver’s seat but rather on the backseat and boldly practice to express your truth. Like this you will experience yourself much stronger in your own authenticity and strength.
Curator | Art Scientist | Intuitive Coach | Author