Energy Tune UP April 2016 – The space behind the thoughts

Energy Tune UP April 2016 – The space behind the thoughts

“Normally” I used to publish the ETUP at the beginning of a month but in this April everything was different!

There is this poem in German that eventually – at least the first line – every child can crow at a certain age. It goes:


“April, April, it doesn’t know what it wants.
Sometimes rain and sometimes sun,
Then it also snows again in between.
April, April, it doesn’t know what it wants.

Just look, just look, how it storms again and blows.
And now, oh dear, oh dear,
There also falls thick snow.
April, April, it doesn’t know what it wants.”


This describes – in the best sense – the actual time quality! For many, especially the very sensitive amongst you, it might feel as an intensive dance between different layers of consciousness. We, as humans, are currently going through a major shift on all levels – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually that it couldn’t be framed as a monthly focus but rather as a time quality. Nothing can be forced anymore as nothing is, at the end, in our hands and the spiral of the mind truly only starts because of this assumption. “Not wanting” and not “not wanting” is the simple and yet not always easy secret of being OK with what is.

Curator | Art Scientist | Intuitive Coach | Author

Energy Tune UP March 2016

Energy Tune UP March 2016

The underlying theme in March is goodbye, detachment, release and, at the same time, an unknown openness and heart quality.

Due to this, I would like to look at the topic of goodbye under a different viewpoint as normally, in the human perception, it has a rather weighting idea connected to it.

This month’s energy deals in a very concentrated way with the dissolving, falling off and breaking open of very deep patterns in oneself. Along with that often goes a kind of increased experience before it, so that the whole organism, the body and the soul reach exactly that point where the unconsciousness converts into consciousness. As we become conscious, we – instead of running on autopilot – have a different chance of choice how to deal with things – to either accept them, change them or separate from them.

Curator | Art Scientist | Intuitive Coach | Author

Energy Tune UP February 2016

Energy Tune UP February 2016

The core theme of this month is relationship, connection! Relationship in the sense of contact, support – a nurturing network.

While January was for many a very intimate month with deep internal processes which rather required time alone, February is a month to consciously start reaching out, asking for help, creating and allowing union, partnership and support in your life.

Curator | Art Scientist | Intuitive Coach | Author

Energy Tune UP January 2016

Energy Tune UP January 2016

Start slowly and with patience into the new year!

Usually, at the turn of the year, we have many good intentions, things that we want to do and to change, and the first of January is always a date to start anew, afresh, full of power. We have great expectations what this year would bring of development and improvement but the truth here is that everything depends on the gentleness that you have with the process now.

2015 was an incredible intense year where a lot of things got shook up in us and many seeds have been planted which couldn’t really be put in perspective by the time they happened. It, in fact, needs time for all this to touch ground.

Curator | Art Scientist | Intuitive Coach | Author

The light of nature – the nature of light

The light of nature – the nature of light

For almost a month I could observe the different faces of this magical valley and its mountains in the Swiss outback. The movements and changes on the surface in the course of a day could be very subtle in some moments while rather drastic in others – a mystical play, really – and yet, at once, there was this deeply rooted, immutable existence within it. It’s so unquestionable, clear and pure – besides the play of colors and light, the transition of the seasons in this month of November.

Curator | Art Scientist | Intuitive Coach | Author